Sonic PNG Skin ActiveX Control allows you to create exclusive PNG Skinned applications with the luxury of smooth shadows and semi transparent backgrounds very easily. Using PNG graphics to create skins in Visual Basic has never been so easy before. Skin your VB Forms with beautiful PNG Images instantly in order to uplift your user interfaces and inscrease sales.Give Sonic PNG Skin ActiveX Control a try to see what its really capable of!Skin Visuall Basic Forms using PNG Images Easily with Transparent Shadows.
19 Temmuz 2009 Pazar
Sonic PNG Skin ActiveX Control 1.0.0
Sonic PNG Skin ActiveX Control allows you to create exclusive PNG Skinned applications with the luxury of smooth shadows and semi transparent backgrounds very easily. Using PNG graphics to create skins in Visual Basic has never been so easy before. Skin your VB Forms with beautiful PNG Images instantly in order to uplift your user interfaces and inscrease sales.Give Sonic PNG Skin ActiveX Control a try to see what its really capable of!Skin Visuall Basic Forms using PNG Images Easily with Transparent Shadows.