Club Manager Lite is a lightweight version of Club Manager that brings you only the basic functions needed to manage your business.Events can be scheduled as needed with a printed notice suitable for posting and mailing. Informative reports are printed at the click of your mouse showing membership addresses, events schedule, etc.Reports include member address list, members with an outstanding account balance, payment history, events schedule and others. The database backup option is included allowing you to make a copy of your database each time you run CMLite.Unlimited records, members and events mean you can use CMLite without any limitations for years to come. Membership Management for Clubs, Teams, Groups, Leagues, etc.
29 Aralık 2010 Çarşamba
Club Manager Lite 2.0.0
Club Manager Lite is a lightweight version of Club Manager that brings you only the basic functions needed to manage your business.Events can be scheduled as needed with a printed notice suitable for posting and mailing. Informative reports are printed at the click of your mouse showing membership addresses, events schedule, etc.Reports include member address list, members with an outstanding account balance, payment history, events schedule and others. The database backup option is included allowing you to make a copy of your database each time you run CMLite.Unlimited records, members and events mean you can use CMLite without any limitations for years to come. Membership Management for Clubs, Teams, Groups, Leagues, etc.